Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stockholm, Sweden

Fall is officially here, and it feels like it took forever to come. Summer was nice, but I'm happy to have the change in weather with the cooler temperatures. But how to look cute and fashionable, when you're cold? A major problem, well not compared to the rest of the world, but it's all relative you know. The Sweden girls have it down, so today we'll take inspiration from these sweed (bad pun?) outfits.

Scarfs have never been so chic, and I love the ethnic jacket. If you're not as comfortable with the print you can always substitute one that is more suitable to you, but please no a la Paris Hilton Primp inspired hoodies, that is so last year.

What gets me is the girl in the background. But on to Subject B, I love her metallic jacket. Metallics are on their way out, but she rock's it well. Very glam, very sophisticated, VERY hot!

I don't know how warm this would be, but she sure looks cute. How perfect to go grab some coffee at Starbucks?! And I love the zipper detail on her pants, a nice touch different from the usual black skinnies.

So there you go, 3 very different looks and 3 different ways to look cute while dealing with the colder seasons. Contrary to popular believe beauty isn't pain, and you won't have to suffer just adjust a little. No Daisy Dukes, K?


Bianca said...

Where did you find these fabulous pictures?

jenn said...