Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hush Those Babies Up!

High-heels are sexy, and many guys like the noise they make when you walk in them. It announces to the world "Here I am, look at me!" and it does show confidence to walk confidently in clicky shoes. And really that is just dandy, but at school? Not so much. And I love wearing heels because I ride the short bus [REPRESENT!] but really I hate walking around school 'click click click click' and truthfully it makes me feel a tad self conscious. But that's okay because there is a very simple and easy solution. At art supplies stores you can buy felt rather inexpensively and cut them to fit around your heel, you can even buy some with a sticky back. It's very discrete and it won't ruin your shoe in any way! It's that simple and now your shoe is quiet! Yay! Problem equals solved.

P.S. That shoe will set you back a whoppingg $1300. Wow.

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