But as much as I am in love with Nylon, I couldn't help but feel a bit disgusted by one of the ads. It was a little tear out sheet right in the middle of a gorgeous editorial style photograph of a pretty young girl. The product they were marketing? Cigarettes. I am a complete anti-drug girl with the exception of the occasional Advil. I know not everyone has the same values as I do and that is completely okay with me, diversity is what makes life interesting. But how could a magazine let an ad be placed where it would send readers the wrong message. Cigarettes are not glamorous and they will most definitely not make you as pretty as the girl on the page it will actually have the reverse effect.

I know that magazines make most of their profit from advertisements. But is it really worth it when the cost will inevitably be someone's life? No matter what cigarettes companies choose to admit, cigarettes are addictive and can cause cancer which can lead to death. It's not likely that someone will randomly decide to start smoking just because they see this ad in a fashion magazine but you'd be surprised what subliminal messaging can do. Natural tastes better does it? Do I want to "try it for myself"? No, thank you, I do not.
That is the same exact thing I thought when I got mine last week. I was flipping and saw the cig ad and I'm like wtf they shouldn't be advertising this, especially in a amgazine a lot of teens read. At least the subscription was free and I'm not paying to support ciggarette ads.
ya! When i was looking through it, i liked it except that one too skinny girl, and that cigarrett ad. It made me not like the magazine, but the 2nd one came and it didnt have any gross looking girls or any cigarrett ads.
I saw that ad and I've also seen Camel ads in Vogue. sort of disgusting how the fashion industry is supporting cigarettes.
Who cares? People should be allowed to do whatever they'd like to themselves. No one goes off on people who eat too much, or anything like that... Personally, I rarely smoke, but I just think the attitudes about smoking in this country are way off considering the rest of our morals.
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