Saturday, January 5, 2008

Satisfy YourMy Craving: New Shoes

Super high-heeled patent leather oxfords. I love them, love, love, love, love them. (Yes, that much) And even the too-inspired for my taste Steve Madden "knock-offs" at $150, I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on shoes that I knew I more then likely would not be wearing anytime soon. And since these are trendy shoes, there was a chance I'd never even get to wear them. However, I was at Forever 21 yesterday and found these beauties for only $20, I had to have them. Poor quality? That's for sure. But they will probably just sit in my closet anyways, with me admiring them. And that's fine, after all they were only twenty dollars, and it got my mind off the real thing, and satisfied my craving for them.

Picutres were taken from my phone because I have temporarily misplaced the USB cord for my camera. Oh crap

I really want to wear them some where. They are a little high for me (don't laugh) so I can't wear them anywhere where I will actually be required to walk for more then a few minutes at a time. I'm thinking the movies are my best option. I would say out to dinner, but unfortunately I rarely hit up cool restaurants, mainly just the Cheesecake Factory. (Side note: I've never actually had Cheesecake there, odd?)

So, you like?


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Oh I've been wanting a pair of shoes jus tlike it, I'm jealous hahha!

Kristin said...

Those are so so wonderful. lol. i LOVE them.

Kinda Marc Jacobs-esque. No? Only his were all different colors. lol.

Whatever, I love them.

Anonymous said...

heyy you know i got oxfords from payless? yeahh and they're cute too you shoul go check it out just for 20 as well. they're not that high so i wore them to a dance and im planning on wearing them somewhere else but i dont know. its a reasonable heel though. (: i love your blogs btw.

Eli said...

hmmm those are pretty cute. youll know exactly when to wear them when the time comes.

jenn said...

ashleeeybash: Thanks for letting me know about the Payless ones, but I actually got to where these today! Yay, but my feet are so sore I am going to go buy some Dr. Schols my nomral orthodics won't fit in here

Stephanie said...

Oh wow I love those! I think Forever 21 has really stepped it up lately. But anyway, you should wear those shoes anywhere - to school even. Except the whole discomfort thing might be a problem, but I wore mine a bunch and eventually you kind of get used to it...

Anonymous said...

Those are purely amazing shoes!

Andy said...

Those are really amazing! I love them :) pretty high, thats true but well still amazing.