We all know this song, and I bet you’ve sung along to it at least once. It’s just simply to catchy not to. But I had no idea that girls would actually ever want to wear Apple Bottom Jeans and boots with fur. I don’t like brand bashing, but I think Apple Bottom jeans are very ghetto, and not in the good way. And boots with fur? Well, I guess it depends, but my guess is that they are going to be fur-lined Uggs. I
If your looking for Apple Bottom jeans (although I highly discourage you and I know you wouldn’t) you can find some at Macy’s, I saw a full page ad in the new TeenVogue. Gag me now
Oh, and guess who was modeling in these ads? Jade! Yes, the bitch from America’s Next Top Model. And you know if Jade is wearing them, it’s a definite no-no!

I know, I know, you're thinking the same thing I was. "Jade got a job?!" This is most definitely WTF?! worthy.
Haha, i love that song. And that trend has been around a long time before the song, at least where I live. Well I'd rather see that than 'baggy sweatpants and the reeboks with the straps' haha.
Apple Bottom jeans are hideous.
love your blog though.
Cant you post outfits?
Its just a song, and apple bottoms aint ghetto its just the people who wear them. And people wear levis with fur boots whats the difference? And girls wore that WAYYYYY before flo rida came out with that song. OH and by the way you shouldnt bash they way people dress.And aint nobody looking at jade anyway she just trying to make her some money like you doing with this adsense on your page
"I thoughthoping Gossip Girl would be taking over the fashion at America’s public high schools, but I guess I was wrong,"
No matter how popular that show gets girls will dress the same. Some stylish, the most generically aberzombies. Freshman year of highschool the OC was really big and sets of best friends would refer to themselves as Summers and Marissas, but they would still dress in the American Eagle mini skirts and t-shirts. It's like they're all trapped in a bubble.
"I thoughthoping Gossip Girl would be taking over the fashion at America’s public high schools, but I guess I was wrong,"
No matter how popular that show gets girls will dress the same. Some stylish, the most generically aberzombies. Freshman year of highschool the OC was really big and sets of best friends would refer to themselves as Summers and Marissas, but they would still dress in the American Eagle mini skirts and t-shirts. It's like they're all trapped in a bubble.
afitz: Wise words, although where I live everyone wears UO
morgan: You sound oh so optomisitc.
Is it sad that I don't know which song you're referring to? Ahaha. I've stopped listening to mainstream music, tbh.
ahh... i hate that song.
and apple bottoms *shudder*
I actually noticed this a long time ago while flipping through a magazine! It's nice that someone else noticed it too haha
I loved your WTF worthy blog. Amazing...actually all your blogs are amazing!
Haha! I saw one of those ads a longtime ago and was thinking the same thing.
i freaking love your blogs and i read them all the time haay im ashley! (:
but anyways off with your blog. i totaally frkn agree with your blog. i mean i LOVE the song when it comes on. but i can NOT stand apple bottems. why? i dont know. i just dont see a sense of style in them. and i thought i was the only one who spotted jade but true shes trynna make money . but i dont know. haha.
and second off. omgg. i tottally agree with you on the whole gossip girl no one takes into consideration. SEROIUSLY. everyone at my school, NOTHING STANDS OUT. at all! you see people wear the same crap everyday. and i sit there feeling stupid about if i look ok since its different from what other people are wearing. schools pretty intimidating.
i just wish some girls could see theres more than brand names shit. it honestly pissed me off when i or any other person in my school who doesnt wear brand names all over, didn't go on the fashion page and a girl who wears a brand name plastered across their chest got in.
Please don't use the word ghetto.
It's politically incorrect and offending to me and my people, from both sides of my family.
I'd prefer urban inspired.
Thank you,
a black jew
I don't care about political correctness.
well, that's unfortunate.
Continue to be ignorant, you silly, silly girl.
No, I just feel society has gotten so far out of hand with politcal correctness. Your previous comment is a perfect example. There was absolutley nothing wrong with using the term 'ghetto' and I don't really give a pentunia what you would prefer. Why does it offend you so much? Maybe if you could help my understand I would be more open to rethinking using that phrase in future posts.
I can't speak for Laquisha, but I think that it's just a matter of urban clothing lines always being referred to as "ghetto". I really don't get why they're even called ghetto in the first place. It's kind of like Kathy Van Zeeland bags are just as tacky as these jeans, with all of the excessive hardware and tacky patterns, but no one ever refers to her bags as ghetto, because they're not urban wear. I hope you can kind of make sense out of this post, I didn't really know how to word it.
Yes, I understand what you mean. But I don't like Kathy Van Zeeland bags either and I think they are even more tacky. But the reason I am referring them as ghetto is because the people who wear them tend to be from areas that are refferred to as the ghetto. Had I said "oh these are so ghetto and cool!" I don't think she would have been offended by using the term ghetto. I see your point and I hope you can see mine.
Yeah I see your point. You were just thinking of them more as how people wear them, then the actual jeans themselves. Btw, I like your blog =]
but people who live in damn suburbia wear them. i think your calling them ghetto by who normally wears them. cuz i kno white girls and black girls that got houses on the beach and they wear em but they aint ghetto. so does wearing them make them ghetto????????
I HATE JADE, I HATE APPLE BOTTOMS. they're both totally trashy and just uuugh.
although... jade definitely was pretty entertaining during ANTM.
Ghetto is defined as the segregated Jewish quarter of cities in Europe, where Jews were forced to live before packed up and sent off to die in
Only today has it become a word associated with the slum area of the city, typically segregating minority groups from the rest of the population.
As an African American and a Jew, I take offense at the misuse of this word.
laquisha: this is 2008, ghetto now means slum areas and it has nothing to do with whether you are black or white absolutley nothing. I'm so tired of people crying prejudice when it has nothing to do with the matter.
monique: I said typically worn by people in the ghetto, and there are some areas that are ghetto that are by the beach, for example, the area I was previously talking about.
Why not just get rid of the word "ghetto" and call the jeans ugly? Substitute the word and I agree entirely with this post.
adrienne rose: good idea! I will keep that in mind for future posts
all ABs aren't terrible... some of em are just plain ol jeans. Oprah had em on her favorite things list once and bunches of old housewives and shiz were out buying them. I hear they're good for big tushed women too.
i HATE apple bottom jeans, they're ugly and cheap looking. and maybe its politically incorrect but only the "ghetto" kids at my school wear them, the kids that get bused in from the really shitty areas of the city to our suburban school. its ok that they wear them, but i personally think theyre gross
oh, and jade is ugly as hell, i don't get how she could even model at all. not to mention her personality on the show..
I agree. Apple Bottom jeans are very tacky and CHEAP. I saw a pair in Macy's for like $90. First of all, they aren't even worth that much. The fabric looks very cheap...as well as the washes. Baby Phat is also following the same path. I'd rather buy a nice high quality, reasonably priced pair of jeans from H&M over a pair of overpriced, ugly, tacky Apple Bottoms anyday!!!
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