Dear Santa,
I realize I am late in getting this to you, despite numerous prompts by my eternally wise parental units. After, all procrastination is my speciality. I was told to be very specific so I'll do the best I can.

And I figured I should offer a few back up suggestions, just in case your elves are too swamped with toy requests to squeeze in the time to make a car.

Pretty much anything Kooba or Botkier is a good option. Try Ebay, just do a little bit od research to make sure it's authentic. You know how I feel about fakes....
I'd also like some new ballet flats. I like simple styles. Red, yellow, green, brown, again I'm not really too picky on the color. Perhaps try Nordstrom Rack or Urban Outfitters for this one. I'd love some new boots too. Soft leather, not suede. I'm far to clumsy to keep suede shoes clean and pretty.

While we are on the topic of clothes, I really love the ones at Ann Taylor Loft. Do try for the younger clothes as I realize this store is mostly for 30 year old women, and well I don't really want to age that fast. They have some really soft cardigans there that would be just perfect for me.

I'd also really love a soft fuzzy blanket throw. They have them at TJ Maxx for $14.99
Those hand held vacuum cleaners are pretty nifty! My New Year Resolution is to keep my car clean, and I can use all the help I can get!
And for those ever so important stocking stuffers may I suggest: nail pollish remover (I have enough nail pollish though!), a small leather notebook, magazines ect. Oh and my favorite candy is Sour Punch Straws and remember I am not a big fan of chocolate!
I realize this list is more than a tad overboard, but I wanted to give you a variety of options to choose from. And I promise I have been a very good girl this year!