"G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, We flying the first class Up in the sky Poppin' champagne livin' the life In the fast lane And I wont change For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy " Oh yes, if only I was Fergie then my life would be glamorous; but I'm not and my life is far from anything glamorous. Today I was faced with a dilemma, I had a major math test so of course I was up way too late the night before cramming all the information into my head; I was sleep deprived and exhausted and my brain was not functioning properly. My main goal was too be comfy, but I still wanted to look good. I had 15 minutest to find something to wear, because of course I over slept. Needless to say, today I looked like crap, actually worse then crap, just plain shit. I discovered I did not have that perfect comfy dress that looks great with black tights and flats to create the ultimate comfy chic look that only takes seconds to achieve. No, I tried and failed, so I ended up wearing dark wash skinny jeans, black flats and a long sleeve tee under a purple Ed Hardy T-shirt. Yes, obviously not fashionable but comfy. So you might be saying un-original but its still okay. You have yet to hear the worst; driving up to school, I realize it is freezing cold and I do not have a jacket, but lucky (yea, lucky...) for me I had a BRIGHT orange Lucky Jeans over sized zip-up hoodie with a bright pink butterfly on the back in the car. I was so tired and did not care at this point, so I wore it. Add all this with no make-up and messy hair and viola that was me. I don't ever want to be in that situation again, and I don't want you to either, don’t resort to Juicy track suits, believe me I almost did, and actually I think that would have been better then what I ended up wearng. So here is a simple, chic,
comfy outfit that is perfect for when your in jam and have a [insert subject here] test to take. After all, style should not be compromised for comfort, nor comfort be compromised by style.
Dress is on sale for $35 at Urban Outfitters. Both tights and flats can be found at Nordstrom for $10 and $25 respectiveley. I love tights, they are so chic and they keep your legs warm, and even better you don’t have to shave your legs. Haha, don’t worry I won’t tell your secret.
Yes, very basic but still comfy and cute, which was really the main goal. Make sure you have a test ready outfit, because you never know what you might end up looking like when you don't. Oh, and about my math test? It was crazy hard, so hopefully I didn't look bad for nothing.
good post idea. today i felt sick so i wore brown lucky brand sweats,a tee shirt and flats. haha...BORING but i was so tired and crappy feeling.
I really like the dress. The one plus to having a uniform is that when you are in a rush, you dont have to think about what you are going to wear.
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