Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Will Ya' Willa?

Two posts in one day, you lucky duck!

I realized last minute that my friends 18th birthday is tomorrow and obviously had no gift to give her. I raced to the nearest TJMaxx to hopefully find something worthy of giving to someone who is about to become a legal adult. I had the hardest time finding her a gift, but I could find everything for me. That seems to be my biggest shopping tip, if ever you are in need of great clothes for yourself, head to your nearest mall in a frantic trying to buy something for someone else. It works like a charm every time! I ended up buying her simple but elegant onyx earrings. Not something that I would initially think to give her, but they are nice and I think she will like them.

In the process of looking for a gift, I found numerous items that I myself would love to have; a $10 Michael Stars turtleneck, $7 Levi skinny jeans, $20 Lucky top and the list goes on and on and on. I reluctantly walked to the check out line with only 2 items in hand, and one of them being the onyx earrings. My second item was an amazing deal, that I was tres excited about, since I have been searching for some for forever. Well forever being since April of last year when I saw Willa Holland in TeenVogue.

I actually remember cutting out that page because I fell in love with the outfit so much. This was just when colored skinnies were becoming popular and lime green jeans just weren't for me at the time (or ever) but the pale pink matched with a white top and fun accessories appealed to me. My search had always left me empty handed and I actually had given up on it; finding jeans that fit me is hard enough, finding pink jeans that fit me is nearly impossible. So I was very very excited and surprised to find Hudson pink jeans for only $5. Yea, five dollars and they fit me perfectly. How amazing is that?! They aren’t skinny jeans but that’s okay because bootcut has always been more flattering on me. I am too excited about this find, and am about to go tear apart my room while I play with outfits. Adios!

PS. Project Runway tonight! Eeeeep!


NonchalantMod said...

i love the Willa picture!

Anonymous said...

hiya its Lei from over at .....i would love to swap links

..... said...

love the picture too !! somethin very paris hilton guess ads but less blingbling !!

Ana said...

i cut out that picture too. the ballet slipper pink was perfection. luckily i found a pair exactly like them at Zara in Milan. I also liked the pic of Willa jumping.

jenn said...

haha are we like twins or something?! haha, your so lucky that you found some exactly like it. mine arn't skinnys and they are a little bit more peach then bubble gum pink. I was dissapointed to see them in real lighting but then again $5 for Hudson jeans how could I be dissapointed?

Riley said...

those are some fierce jeans...