Yesterday I blew out seventeen candles, actually that's a lie; a blew out one but I did turn seventeen. No birthday cake, I prefer brownies and I didn't even have any because I was stuffed to the brim from dinner. The candle I blew out was from the restaurant on whip cream and the smallest amount of ice cream possible. But that is okay, I don't like ice cream either. It feels kind of weird to be seventeen, I don't
feel different, no one ever does because one day doesn't magically make you significantly older then the day prior, but seventeen just
sounds so much older the sixteen. Now don't go calling me G-ma just yet, but I just think there is a certain air of innocence still left in one who is sixteen.

My mother took me to
Nordstrom to buy make-up. For Christmas it was all about Trish McEvoy, for my birthday I decided to try BareMinerals. WOWZOW times two! It is absolutely
amazing My skin is abnormally horrible right now but somehow the littlest bit of BareMinerals made it appear as if I had flawless skin
without even showing I was wearing anything. I was skeptical to try something that had so many infomercials, and I've always perceived it as an "older women" brand, but I think I will be a loyal costumer from here on out. You must at least go to the make-up counter and
try it! The beauty consultant who helped me was a good laugh. Queer as queer can be and he kept calling everyone "love". So love, moving on...
We went to dinner at Cheesecake, and holy crap we had to wait an hour plus just to get to our table. Well, the guys had to wait. As for the girls? We went shopping of course. Not much to show for it, but I did get a True Religion jean jacket. I have been one to show dislike for True Religion, I don't particularly like their jeans. But this jacket fits me perfectly and I don't have a jacket that I can just throw on as I'm walking out the door. My sister persisted that jean jackets are "so out" but I on the other hand feel they are making a comeback, or will eventually. So long as you avoid denim on denim (hello Britney & Justin!) and instead opt for a cute summer mini-dress. Speaking of which, none of which I have been able to find. Hopefully, today's trip will lead to one. Well, this birthday girl must say good-bye for now, I am exhausted and think I will go back to sleep. Adios!
I am glad you had a good birthday and I heard bare minerals work well, just be careful, cuz they can be messy!
I've been flip flopping over bare minerals, but I guess I should just go out and try it then.... sweet, i always love reviews.
and holy crap your "cake" looks delicious.
Oh, that wasn't mine I just found it off the internet. But it does delicious. I just had regular 'ole boring brownies. But my dad made them, and my dad never bakes ever so that was really sweet.
That cake looks delicious even if it isn't yours!
Happy birthday :)
And I've always wanted to try bare minerals now that I'm hearing it "truly works" from an actual person and not just from an infomercial I'm gonna go to a makeup counter and try it out!
And I know this sounds cheapy and sorta cliche...but
I found the best sun dresses at Charlotte Rouse for like four bucks each- ten bucks. And they were nice despite their cheapness.
Happy Birthday.
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I have always wanted to try BareMinerals, I am glad to hear that they really work ( I have only ever seen the informercials as well).
happy belated! seventeen was one of my best years. have fun, relax and ...keep shopping!
my birthday is next week,....and I forgot to add that to my wishlist!....I have been meaning to try bare minerals,...so many great reviews..I dont really trust infomercials, so when I hear it from someone such as yourself...im a little more reassured!
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