On a sadder note, my tiny (almost non-existent) purse collection got even smaller on Wednesday night when some horrible person thought it was a good idea to steal a woven Michael Kors purse out my car. They stole other things as well; money, credit cards, make-up and 5 water bottles. (I know a major WTF? to the water bottles!) Interestingly enough, the same purse I had stolen was listed on Ebay two days after the fact. Location? None other then my little town but unfortunately, there is nothing the police can do because I have no way to identify it as my purse. It was in perfect new condition because I only used it for two hours. I hate people who rip off others. Boo them. So, this week I have set out to 'mark' all of my purses. Some place small on the inside, with a heart or a star or perhaps something more original. I have not yet made the final decision but am open to suggestions.
(Wow, didn't that totally read like the fine print on a contract or something..? "not yet made final decision but am open to suggestions" he said in the deepest voice imaginable)
hahahah yeah, I usually like slouchy bags too, but I too have one small rectangular kate spade bag.
Awww, wow, I am so sorry about your purse, that is terrible!
draw............a sun or a moon!! hahaha I dunno.......anything will do!
I am in love with slouchy bags and hobos, and even oversized. I can never fit all of my stuff in a tiny bag anyway. I'm really sorry to hear about your bag, and you're right about the water! Wtf?! Maybe they were dehydrated. Idk. I'm new to blogging, so check mine out if you have a spare chance and don't mind.
That is terribly sad. Maybe the thief was dehydrated and as a result had impaired thinking, thus stealing your belongings and water bottles? Just a guess :]. As for your mark, what about your initials?
P.S. Check out my blog (a work in progress).
I linked your blog! Now link mine!
I'm so sorry! How dare someone!! I love slouchy purses too. Get this: my sister just gave me one of her really cute and rare Louis Vuitton bags, but believe it or not, I'm in love with my chocolate slouchy H&M bag. I love the non-structured look. But you're right, you never know what comes back and what you actually start to drool over, right?
Cha. Ur bag got stolen. So sorry
Hey, I've been an avid reader of your blog for a while, so I was just dropping by and letting you know that you (and other bloggers) have been an inspiration to me and that I've started a blog myself. Since I really do adore your blog, I've added you to my blog roll.
Take care, Jen! Oh, and I can't wait until My Vintage Closet opens. :D
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