Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Believe I Can Fly -TREND ALAERT!

Feathers are about to be come very big, I predict even bigger then horn jewelry two years ago, because not only will you be seeing feathers in jewelry but on clothes, clutches and shoes. It's been a long time coming, with fashion trend setters sporting feather dresses at various award shows earlier in the year. No doubt, these dresses put them on the worst dressed list, but they were obviously on to something. I am in no way telling you, to go out and buy replica dresses to wear to holiday parties, in fact, I highly discourage it. But take inspiration, feathers would be a fashion dare right now; the right amount is critical, the location even more.

2007 Academy Awards
The dress is ugly, but Kirsten has to get some style points for getting the feathers right, it would have been a perfect 10 had the top of the dress not been so weird and awkward.

2007 Emmy Awards
Perfect example of too much feather action! Its a very fashion forward risk-taking dress, and for that I'll give her kudos. But as you can see too many feathers can make you look like Big Bird.

So how to make the feather trend work for's not like we get to wear fancy ball gowns every day to walk down the red carpet. Right now, it is hard to find feathers on a budget, because it hasn't hit main stream fashion yet. Which is a good thing, but it also has its disadvantages. You can wait a couple months and are bound to find chic feather baring items for a price much nicer for to your wallet.

$140 Nordstrom
This reminds me so much of New York City, chic and feminine with a hint of 'don't mess with me'.

$640 Nordstrom
I'm envisioning this dress at a glamorous New Years Eve party, now if only I had one to go to...

Notice how both items are in a neutral color, well in this case black. For those that are even more daring, try bright, fun and whimsical colors. I really like the black feathers it is incredibly elegant, but that is just a personal opinion.

And if you don't have the budget for pricey clothing but don't want to wait either, try hitting up local vintage and thrift shops. Feathers have been in before, so there is bound to be hidden treasures just waiting to be found by a fashionista like yourself.

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